You can find all my papers on my Google Scholar profile.

Conference Publications

[1] H. Rajoli, F. Lotfi, A. Atyabi, and F. Afghah, “Triplet Loss-less Center Loss Sampling Strategies in Facial Expression Recognition Scenarios,” in IEEE Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS) , Baltimore, Maryland, March 2023. [IEEE Xplore]

[2] F. Lotfi, O. Semiari, and F. Afghah, “Evolutionary Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Slicing Management in O-RAN,” in IEEE Global Communications Workshop Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. [IEEE Xplore]

[3] F. Lotfi, O. Semiari, and W. Saad, “Semantic-Aware Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning Over Wireless Cellular Networks,” in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Seoul, South Korea, May 2022. [IEEE Xplore]

[4] F. Lotfi and O. Semiari, “Performance Analysis and Optimization of Uplink Cellular Networks with Flexible Frame Structure,” in IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), April 2021. [IEEE Xplore]